March 6, 2009

Trip Down Memory Lane

Glenn and I lived in Provo, Utah for 5 years. We toured the kids around our old stomping grounds. Our favorite things about Provo? Training Table cheese fries, the mountains, Sounds Easy Pizza, and BYU campus. We have many happy memories here. At Training Table, you order your food with a phone... the kids LOVED this.

My old work has since shut down, but you can still see the letters on the building.

BYU campus

We lived at the back of this old house at 745 North University Avenue for 3 years. It was a dump of a house then and still is, but it makes our hearts smile...we will never forget our wacky landlady, Leslie who lived in the front of the house and rode a motorcycle... I always thought she was a real practicing witch.

We lived in the back section of the house that we suspect was built by boy scouts... eagle project anyone?


Kristine Van Buskirk said...

I LOVE the training table! How fun. I've only been because you and Glenn took me there, the trip I came out to see you for a week. Fun memories. I remember that house too. I've brought many visitors to that place... always a welcome home, even with a witch. :)

Ginger Rogers said...

I remember you thinking she was a witch! You're so fun! I remember watching her with you waiting to see her black cat. Remember sneeking on her porch to watch her in the house? That just made your home feel "Magical" :)
I TOO have some fond memories of this home of yours. A few "make outs" with some special "boys" in my life! HAA HAA! One of which is still in my my neighborhood, in my my Bishopric! AH! Fun times in that house for sure! :)

Ginger Rogers said...

P.S. Only YOU could get away with wearing skinny jeans! WOW! You look fabulous! :)

Anonymous said...

I loved you guys enjoying your past in Provo. Very Fun!

Glenn said...

We could do a "before" and "after" series from those double plates of cheese fries. but let's not.