March 20, 2010


I am starting a series where I will post interesting/comical SIGNS around Japan

SNACK LEMON as in "Jack Lemon" our family's favorite actor?

Self-explanatory as long as you know what a DORINK is

I've posted this one before, but it is a classic, CRAM CHOWDER
I wonder what ocean "crams" come from?

makes me think of the Precious Moments statue collection

This one kills me, CINNAMON TOAST HOTDOG
Funny thing, the owner saw me taking a picture of this sign and it has not been out since!

And my personal favorite, DEEP FLIED
not sure what they are deep frying, but apparently it has wings!


Stewart Van Buskirk said...

Let's go get a deep-flied cinnamon toast hot dog, and wash it down with a dorink. Maybe we can get a snack lemon and some cram chowder also. I hear they serve it all at the Precious Coffee Moments Cafe. We can't stay there though, because we need to avoid the appearance of evil (that's for Glenn). But alas, we would have to come closer to you to make it all happen.

Anonymous said...

Wow... clever that you even noticed all these! It is like when we wear characters/letters on our own shirts and we have no idea what they really say. Somehow foreign just sounds fancier! Fun! Love, Mom

Lisa Brown said...

Hilarious!!! Fav- cinnamon toast hot dog. I'm sure they have a hay day with some of the characters people have on their tattoos, clothing, and home decor. I wish you could have added "popcone."

Glenn said...

I love that you find these signs, and send chastising emails to your family for comments, but liddle me this: When does three equal six? Cuz so far I see a cool bearded word-of-wisdom fearing brother-in-law, a fancy fun mother, a hilarious popcone sister, and three other poopie ones. Do I need to spell it out for you Japanese sign style?

Tlisha + Klistine + Micherre / Brogging = RAME.

sweetcakes said...

These are great! Thanks for sharing!

Kristine Van Buskirk said...

In all fairness... I'm usually the first. :) Your e-mail to everyone, rushed them to beat me. Darn. :) Now, my own blog is something to be desired, but if we look at posts past, I would like to claim... position #1 as best sister. :)

Love the pics. I knew Stew would comment on this. He loves obscure signs. ha ha My fav was "snack Lemon" ha ha But, CRAM chowder is not far behind. Hilarious!

Ginger Rogers said...

Great posts Trace! When I read the signs I can hear their accents speaking it. They write how they speak it....they say "R" for an "L" from what I remember on our family Japanese days! "Sarry Rouis"....Awesome shots Trace and VERY Clever! :)

Andrew Bunton said...

Wow, these are really great (and hiliarious) pictures! I hope you do more soon! P.S. look foward to meeting you someday! -kim's nephew-in-law

Melissa said...

I may not make it on here as often as I'd like, but I always LOVE to see what you've been up to (and try to comment a lot). I'm glad you are still great at blogging- We'd never be able to be apart of your daily "goings on" with out it!

Love that you post these signs! It's so funny to see the cultural differences and try to figure out what they are trying to convey... like the old super heros. Who thought of that?