March 18, 2010

Always a Sayonara

"People come and go so quickly" - Dorothy Gale

Living in an "ex-pat" community, we have a high turnover rate.  It is kind of like living in a university town with people coming and going.  This time we had to say "sayonara" to our favorite Chilean,
Jacquie Pinto Carvallo. 


I love making friends with people from all over the world:
Divya Krishnan (India), Anna Lilljebjorn (Sweden), Graziella Noto La Diega (Italy), Me (USA)
Angelika Zentner (Germany), Jacquie Pinto (Chile), Silvia Baucells (Spain), and her cousin

The evening started with dinner and then we moved onto club dancing in Roppongi... I had not been "clubbing" in years and it took awhile to not feel so awkward.  I think the most awkward part were the men who surrounded us on bar stools starring at us for entertainment.  Blah.

Sayonara dear Jacquie!

Shortly afterwards I attended another Sayonara party for my dear friend,
Veryan Richards
More interesting friends from around the world:  Me (USA), Aviva Duncan (Austrailia), Claire Dimond (Scotland), Hiromi Imamiya Soo (Japan), Fiona Watson (UK), Rebecca Busby (UK), Jun Doherty (Japan), Kylie Hunn (New Zealand), Bumble Elliot (UK), Veryan Richards (UK), Sophie Clappin (Austrailia) and her Mom.

Veryan's daughter Morwenna attended school with Jonas so she and I saw each other every day.  Morwenna is a very intelligent girl.  She was very keen at picking up American dialects and phrases so I loved to ask her questions about Americans.  During one of our last conversations I said "Morwenna, tell me something about Americans".  (Keep in mind that she is only 6 years old).

She replied, "Well, when you ask an American how are you they will reply, 'Guuuud'.  But when you ask an English person How are you they will reply, 'I'm fine thank you'.  Too true!  I prefer the English response and am working on changing my American habit :).

We ate at the very sheik and famous restaurant, Nobu.
Delicious bento lunch!

Veryan, me, and Aviva (the best storyteller ever... absolutely hilarious)

I will miss Veryan's friendship terribly.  She is intelligent, beautiful, funny, and always has something interesting to talk about. 
Sayonara  dear Veryan!


Anonymous said...

Oh that is so sad to say so many goodbyes! I am sorry... :( How wonderful that you could have crossed paths, if even for a short time! Hugs... Love, Mom

Kristine Van Buskirk said...

Oh the places you'll go and the people you'll meet! So awesome! You need to keep these friendships, so you can have a place to stay when you can travel the world! :) I would love to go clubbing again. Not sure if I'd know how. ha ha