So when we found out 2008 Idols were coming to concert in Indianapolis, we were sold. My parents are also BIG FANS, and since they were going to be in town, they wanted in on the scene too (Glenn wanted to be there, but he had to be in Singapore at the time boo hoo).
And, because I am all about being FESTIVE, I knew we needed matching FAN T-SHIRTS. I found the American Idol symbol online and then printed it onto iron-on patches. Shailey added an additional line on hers that read "especially david a." (you best believe she is in love, L U V).
On a funny note, my first t-shirt design had "American Idol or BUST" written across the chest... ummm maybe that wasn't the best idea. Anyways, our shirts were a big hit and tons of people stopped to ask us where we bought them (if I were an entrepreneur I would have jumped on that, but alas I am not... as a kid I hated selling girl scout cookies... my idea of pure torture).

The concert was amazing. This year's top ten idols are so musical... in concert, they played, piano, acoustic guitar, electric guitar, and even the ukulele.
This was Shailey and Emma's very first concert. I was pretty stoked that I got to share their first concert experience and know that it was one we were equally excited about. The audience was largely comprised of mothers and their kids. It was a perfect "first concert". The girls were sooooooo jazzed to be there, and kept saying "thank you mom for taking us!!!" This was definitely a big highlight of the summer.

David Cook was an amazing performer who knew how to work an audience. He was very candid and even stopped during his performance to tie his pants string. He laughed and while he tied he said to the audience, "talk amongst yourselves" (Saturday Night Live Mike Meyers reference).
But I have to say... we were the most excited to see David Archuletta..... I thought Shailey was going to burst while waiting for him to appear on stage. And she was not the only one thrilled to see him either....
What can we say, the boy has talent... and he is only 17 for pete's sake... what is he going to do with more experience? Two words, wow and wow.

After the concert was over, like true fans, we waited around for autographs and were not disappointed. Shailey got all but one of the idol's autograph. It was crowded, so I handed Emma my camera and put her up on my shoulders to take pictures. Emma had a system of snapping her fingers and calling the idols' name... "Jason Castro, look up here!!" It worked like a charm.
You can see just how crowded it was, tolerable, but crowded.
Michael Johns is a total hottie, and very sweet too. How can you not love that Australian accent? Michael, you can sing me a Queen song anytime.
Ramiele Malubay was more difficult to photograph because she is such a shorty.
Syesha Mercado was the most appreciative of the fans... she gave us so much attention. She really is this beautiful too.
Chikezie Eze was fun to watch perform... he is such a happy guy and was probably the idol who danced the most on stage.

Carly Smithson got kind of ticky with the fans... she was annoyed with the pushing and shoving.
One woman got ticked at me too... accused me of stepping on her daughter while I tottered around with Emma on my shoulders. I looked down and saw that I was clearly not on her daughter. She was just panicking in the crowded setting. I told her "hey, this is what it is... we are all crowding around to see our idols. This is what fans do." She did not appreciate my observation and asked me if I was drunk (yeah, mother with 8 year old daughter on her shoulders... clearly I was drunk... oh brother). I finally got sick of her fussing and said firmly "it seems like this is too much for you and maybe you should choose another activity for your daughter." She left in a huff.
David Cook was completely mobbed. One kid took off his grimy Converse sneaker and handed it to David to sign.... David looked at the ratty shoe and said "you are kidding me right?" The kid was not kidding and with good humor, David signed his shoe.
David Cook was completely mobbed. One kid took off his grimy Converse sneaker and handed it to David to sign.... David looked at the ratty shoe and said "you are kidding me right?" The kid was not kidding and with good humor, David signed his shoe.
This smile was for me.... Emma caught David's attention to look at the camera, but my camera battery started to die so David looked at me like "how long am I supposed to hold this smile"... I laughed, and just when he looked away, the camera finally clicked. He thought it was funny too.
David Archuleta is just as darling in person as he is on TV. With fans squeezing in everywhere, Shailey was having a difficult time getting her book to David to sign. David's dad saw her struggling and so he took her book and personally handed it to David.... Shailey was on cloud 9!
And last, but not least, we managed to get both girls in a picture with Brooke White, our other favorite idol, who is also Mormon... the girls were elated.
You forgot the other huge star you met in the grocery store in Mira Loma -- the young Mr. Eko. But the American Idol stars are pretty cool, too.
You sure do know how to capture a moment and really be in it. Lucky for you that your shoulders are strong enough to hold your daughter - I would have had to pick up Hollis and the pictures would have been fuzzzzzzzzzzy! Anyway, I can't believe all that you managed to experience this summer!! Amazing...
Amazing! We loved the concert. This years idols were the best yet. Whose autograph didn't Shailey get?
Loved the photos. Looked like you all had a great time!!! The Idol or Bust would have been great, even if it was a prototype.
Great pictures! It is so cool that you have a picture of your girls with brooke.
I'm glad that you had a good summer. To be reminded how much you like Bloomington. We don't want you guys to like Japan too much. We need you to come back to stay.
good morning
you are just toooooooooo funny T-shirts looks great, what a fun way to end your time in Indiana
hope you had a safe return to Tokyo
love ya aunt Maureen
Thanks for the update - Am. Idol was here a month back or so also at Sam Boyd Stadium. We just watch the beginning of Am. Idol when they are all trying out - that is the best with all the people who think that have something going on - Darrell would have been good on that?
You are AWESOME, what a GREAT summer to have with your family. I don't know how you did it all! WOW. We love American Idol too, I'm so jealous. Emma took GREAT pictures, what fun to share the experience with your parents. We LOVE David and Brooke too. She seems truly down to earth. Have you downloaded David's new single "Crush", it's pretty good. Are you back in Japan getting back to school and all?? I hope you can try settling down just a bit, sure, you are Wonder Woman.
Love to you all,
Vicki Sheehan
TRACEY! WOW! How great was that! That will be an experience your family won't forget! Great pics! Emma has the touch both in front of and behind the camera! =) FUN!
oh how i need to be your neighbor... then i can tap into all of your adventures! you are the festive girl... i love that about you. i'm good about going along with the festive girl's plans. we can't have too many planners, so we make a good team ;) "you give and little and i'll give a little, hey let's get together!" hahaha
Love love love the t shirts! They are pretty and oh so festive! You are the party girl! It's 2:00am and I really need to get to bed but I've been checking out your blog (of course I'm a regular fan) but I have not commented on your new stuff! (I even send my friends to your blog cause I think your blog is even interresting enough for people who don't know you. It's like a good book you want to share! ) Anyway, love the ti shirts! And what an amazing experience! I wish I could have been there! Though I don't watch American Idol, I think it still would have been WAY fun! My favorite pictures are of Mrs. Shailey shoutin' out to the man of her dreams! THE BEST!!!!!!! Miss you! Love, Trisha
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