This is her survival skills teacher.... you know the kind who can be dropped off into the forest without supplies for months and be totally fine... uses a rock for his pillow.... you know the kind.
Shailey made an ATLATL (at-lat-al) and was taught how to hunt with it (most Moms would not know what an atlatl is, but being the archaeologist that I am I knew exactly what it is.... a type of throwing spear used during the late Pleistocene era [ice age]... later it was replaced by the bow and arrow. Think hunting woolly mammoths).
Woolly mammoth.
Shailey was only 1 of 2 girls in the group and was fine with that. On the last day the kids had to "camouflage" themselves with mud and plants of the forest and then played a hunting/ hide-&-seek game. They learned the value of being camouflaged because the better they were camouflaged, the more difficult they were to target. A couple kids opted out of this experiment... not our Shailey, we could only see the whites of her eyes and teeth!

GI Jane, She-ra, Ramibina... take your pick, she is awesome.
I love that Shailey would do that. But nothing beats my dad's reaction when he was outthrown in the atle-atle contest of ultimate manhood. "Well, sure, it's a lot easier if you use two hands."
Shailey is awesome! You go girl! She doesn't mess around. Love her! You know the wimpy white boys' parents put them in this to try to toughen them up. HA Looks like it didn't work. Love Shailey's spirit! I always remember the "pioneer hat" story from school. Where you peeked in the room and she was the only one still wearing her hat. Love that about her! "Nobody gonna break her stride" FOR SURE! Kisses for her dirty cheekies!
Go Shailey!
I don't mind getting dirt on and in every part of my body when I'm gardening and you do when you take up grass and lay down brick, I KNOW , but to go out and try to survival, I know I wouldn't do well. Go Shailey go!
love, Aunt Maureen
Wow! Impressive! It kind of reminds me of Girls Camp my very first might not have been there yet. Do you remember the old Kitty Initiations? Well done Shailey!
Ok, your blog gets better and better! LOVE IT!!!! The " Mr. drop from a plane and use a rock for a pillow" I laughed out loud and got the giggles. I TOTALLY would LOVE LOVE LOVE Shailey for a college roommate! THAT GIRL IS FUN!!!!! And always up for a party! Oh ok, I"m still laughing......and I think each time I picture this I will laugh....."Mammoth". HILLARIOUS!!!!!! You did all the explaining....then next photo....."mammoth." I'm still laughing! Ok, and OF COURSE you are the coolest Mom ever! You know the coolest things about all that stuff....alas why I stick to you like glue when we hit the museums with the kids. I have 101 questions and you are always willing to explain things and teach me. You have a gift for knowledge. You are SO SMART TRACE!!!!!! I appreciate that you have never ONCE said "Trish, enough questions". You just keep answering them with such patience. Still laughing...."mammoth" I love you!
I just read Kristines comment....when you peeked in the room on Shailey wasn't she wearing Grandpa Auldens white cowboy hat? Either way......I agree with Kris...she is a girl who doesn't care what others think! Kiss her for me! She gets her zest for life from her Momma! You're always up for a party!!!!! And ALWAYS up for a new adventure!!!!
Shailey is one all-around kind of gal. Is is PC to say she could be in a new TV show "Chick vs. Wild"?
And from Papa Glenn, if somebody had to beat me I'm glad it was two-handed Shailey.
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