February 7, 2009

TAGGED by Kelly

So I was tagged to open the 6th picture in my 6th folder and look what I found.... my DARLING little boy hanging out at my parent's Indiana land. He was a love bug of a baby... almost never cried or was fussy... he is that way still. He only cries when his sisters torment him into a ball of frustration. He is an absolute JOY.

Funny thing is that for being my 6th picture in my 6th folder, he is actually 6 months old too! Cool.

Now I tag: Kristine, Trisha, Michelle, Lisa, Missie, Jen, and Kim


Smoochie Lady April of Cook said...

I saw this picture and thought I was looking at ASHER for a minute!!! You were right, they do look a lot alike. I couldn't be more pleased as I think Jonas is the cutest little Kindy man there is. We are excited to see you soon.

Ginger Rogers said...

Oh Mr. Jonas! How I miss you!! Such a sweetie pie! This picture would make ANYONE....Even me....want to be pregnant over and over.....Toxemia or not! :)
Gosh he's a button!

Kristine Van Buskirk said...

I thought this was Liam at first. ha ha Really! I've always thought they looked alike. Funny! What a button! Miss little Jonas. So darling!