February 10, 2009

A Harsh Awakening

In the middle of the night, I woke up with a start to a little face wearing a Santa hat and Incredible pajamas whispering, "Mom, will you kill the snakes under my bed."
Hilarious. And being the good mother I am, I killed the snakes under his bed with the nearest plastic sword I could find. Stabbed them dead. I even recruited Woody to be on the lookout for future predators when I went back to bed. ZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzz.


dallin+michelle said...

glad you could be the snake killing hero... he cracks me up. where was that hero when jonas had a caughing fit at my house!? hmmm. good times as usual with the ostlunds!!!

dallin+michelle said...

simply irresistable... he's just a cutie! way to be the hero in the middle of the night. takes a good mom to play along. where was the plastic sword to kill the coughing bugs at my house? now that would have been heroic ;)

Anonymous said...

Did he have a nightmare or was he just on a Jonas roll? Hilarious! Either way, the solution is to kill the darn snakes! And setting Woody up to guard? Oh, brilliant!
Bravo for real motherhood! Good job! Love, Mom

Kristine Van Buskirk said...

Too cute! What a great mom! I think I would have been cranky and said... go back to bed. There's no snakes! Let's hope when Liam does this, I'll be a better mom. ha ha What a cutie! Love the picture! Give him kisses from me!!