4th of July we had a LOUIS family reunion.... almost everyone from the Louis side was there. My grandma Oopeedoop loves celebrating with loads of family, food, and fireworks... the more, the merrier! Here are some of my favorite pictures from that day.
Jonas gives sister Emma a hug.
Baby Liam is all smiles (Kristine son).
Jonas climbing an old cannon.
I love Oopeedoop... just seeing her was worth the trip.
At the first sound of fireworks, our kids instinctively ran outside and settled on the grass to watch, even though it would be hours before the fireworks actually started.
Cousin Jacqueline watching the excitement.
Spunky Joan Merkling, our great Aunt.
We discovered Aunt Janet is firework queen... the kids had a blast playing with her.
Shailey thought she was "big stuff" lighting the fireworks.
The biggest hits were the fireworks that exploded with a PARACHUTE popping out at the end... the kids raced to catch them shouting, "I call it!"
.... Uncle Brent got in on the action too.

The biggest hits were the fireworks that exploded with a PARACHUTE popping out at the end... the kids raced to catch them shouting, "I call it!"

Kristine looks so beautiful here... even though her girls were tired and cranky.
Trish and Dad having fun.

Mom and Shelly looking gorgeous.

Cousin Tim cracked us up when he showed up decked out in "safety" gear.
A hug for our Aunt Maureen.

I have to thank Brent and Lisa who constantly watched and entertained our troops... they are the best!
Jonas thought he was Harry Potter. With his sparkler wand, he hollered out spells "Centrificus Totalus!"

My Dad and his 3 brothers, Michael, Patrick, and Bobby. It was a special occasion to see them all together. 
The brothers coordinated their fireworks for a SPECTACULAR SHOW!

The brothers coordinated their fireworks for a SPECTACULAR SHOW!

Oh beautiful for spacious skies!
How much fun is this!! I love to see big families hanging out together! You all look SO MUCH alike!! :)
Thanks for the "shout out" to me. You're too sweet. I do love that even with cranky kids, I'm still smiling! :)
What a BLAST!!! It's always nice to celebrate the 4th of July with family. I had some sushi and did laundry, but golly howdy if ya'll didn't have yer fun.
I sure am enjoying reading Glenn's comments. He makes me laugh! Remember the 4th of July in Washington when we were kids? That's always been our #1 most special memory of the 4th.....and now we have TWO washington 4th memories!!!! This time our children got to be a part of it and I know they'll never forget it! I really love Dad's family! Those are our ROOTS!!!!
AND>>>>> What up with the no "shout out" to me???? Shelly....beautiful....Mom...beautiful......Kristine.....beautiful.......Trisha? HELLO??? HAA HAA!!! I have to say though, you and I look so much alike. It's creepy!!! Maybe that's why you didn't mention "beautifulness" cause you'd really be saying it about you!!!! CAUSE WE ARE TWINERS!!!:) (p.s.....the word verification is seriously out of control. Right now it's 10 letters...come on!)
okay so i'm enjoying your blog... but almost done with all the pics mostly because i'm done with missing out on the parties! wish we could have been there. ugh. for real. glod bless america....
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