August 9, 2008

Animal House

Stop 3 in our summer travels was at Uncle Bookie and Aunt Gladys' home in Yosemite. They live in the mountains surrounded by all kinds of wildlife.

Within minutes of our arrival, we found a tiny FROG.
Aunt Gladys provided a magnifying glass and a jar to keep from squishing the poor critter.

Uncle Bookie gave us binoculars to spy more animals....

A bale of hay was set out and soon afterwards, the local DEER came to feed.... 7 altogether. They were close enough to touch.

By nightfall, the RACCOON arrived to steal cat food. The kids were mesmerized for an hour watching him eat with his "human like" hands.

The wildest animals we saw were our own kids... but with the easy nature of my aunt and uncle, they had the freedom to run around and expolore.
Uncle Bookie gave them TRACTOR RIDES.Older kids got to drive!

We visited a national park with a gorgeous original COVERED BRIDGE.
The kids found a working water pump too.
Jonas helped Aunt Lisa get some water.

Aunt Gladys is the hostess with the mostess and a fabulous cook. On the last day, she made cupcakes for the kids to frost.... YUM!

One thing we learned on this trip... feeding the wild animals keeps them happy!

Thank you Uncle Bookie and Aunt Gladys for an amazing weekend we will never forget.

1 comment:

Ginger Rogers said...

Ok, I've REALLY been good about checking out your blog cause it's been a fun chapter book of some seriously awesome adventures....but did I miss this chapter? Or are you adding ones later and throwing us "tracey blog fans" off a little? Just keeping us on our toes huh? AND you failed to mention........the kids DID NOT FIND THE FROG>>>>>>>>>> YOU DID MRS> ANTHROPOLOGIST!!!! You find the teeniest things that the rest of us step on or over. You are AMAZING!!!!! You have a gift!!!! You need my picture I took of you in the field where the old Mushett motel with your camera, bent down on the ground inspecting little debree (sp?) and looking for artifacts. That is you in your eliment.....always ready to take a picture and always ready to find a clue! Love you!