August 14, 2008

Atlanta Braves

Why title this post, Atlanta Braves???? Because we were very brave taking yet ANOTHER ROAD TRIP! Yes, only a few days after flying home to Indiana (stop 7), we got in our van and drove to Atlanta, Georgia to visit Michelle and be there for her 2nd reception. This makes stop 8 in our summer travels.

Michelle lives on a 47 acre plantation, in Sandy Springs, called Glenridge. She works as their landscape designer. Her job is absolutely dreamy; she basically rolls out of bed and starts gardening (the white house in the slideshow is the house she lives in... used to be the dairy!).
We toured her greenhouse and discovered amazing creatures called, WRITING SPIDERS. I completely have arachnophobia, but I was still fascinated by this unusual spider and its web design.
A huge chess game board sits in the middle of the gardens.
Dallin (Michelle's hubby) is SO good for Jonas... their bodies house the same kind of superhero energy.
Old farm equipment is found around the acreage. The kids had a blast climbing on everything.
Glenridge, built in 1929, has been the location of a number of popular films, including Driving Miss Daisy and Remember the Titans. Thanks to its amazing landscape designer, Glenridge remains truly breathtaking.


Kristine Van Buskirk said...

Great pics. I was so mesmerized when I was there, I took only 3. Yuck. I had nothing to show Stew when I got back. I was happy to show these to him. Love the spider ones. Incredible. And creepy. :} I wish I could have been there with you!!

Anonymous said...

Good morning, I hope your kids let you sleep in!! Karren left this morning. We had a great visit - we'll see what happens with her and Jason. I enjoyed your blog - such fun!! Your kids are going to have GREAT memories from all the fun trips - especially because they were with their grandparents and cousins. Good JOB!! Love, Marji

Ginger Rogers said...

It's too bad I couldn't make it to Georgia. Oh, if money would just grow on trees! I'd be a serious gardner! :) Looked like you had an amazing time! I'm the only sister who hasn't been there. :( So sad. Wish I could go. Loved all the photos. GREAT pictures! Love you!