January 22, 2008

Favorite Christmas Moments 2007

Santa brought the girls WEBKINS reindeer and brought Jonas a reindeer that sings "the bottom song" (see December blog)
Santa brought Jonas R2D2 and boy was Daddy excited!

Favorite stocking gift?? UNDERWEAR!!
Jonas tried to impress R2D2 by showing him his new Star Wars underwear.

Glenn's favorite gift was his Phoenix Suns shirt and jersey
from his Dad and Ann Marie...

Tracey's favorite gift was a new crock pot (see Operator Failure blog)
What do you give a family who lives in Japan?? Books and DVDs! Yeah!

Every year Glenn and I accidentally give each other a "TWIN" gift...
where we both buy the same gift for each other. Usually it is a movie.
This year's twin gift was MOUSE PADS...
man we needed this, our mouse pad in Japan stinks!
Shailey wrote Glenn and I a note in our shower with her new bath foam
"heart U Mom & Dad from SRO" Shailey gave Daddy a run for his money with the new chess set.
Grammie and Grandad bought the kids COOL sleeping bags...
perfect for family movie nights.

The Christmas AFTERMATH... yikes.

Our favorite Christmas tradition is when Daddy
makes Uncle Bill's biscuits and gravy.

Finally it snowed! Not enough to sled, but enough to enjoy.

And our trip could not be complete without visiting
our favorite local pizza joint...
MAX's = YUM!

The End.


Natalie said...

Was it so nice being home for Christmas? I love the PJ's you got for your kids. And where did you find that cool R2D2?

Craig said...


I enjoy seeing all of the pics of you guys. Good job with the blog! Based on what Santa brought, I'd say you've all been nice this year. And I'm jealous y'all got snow, pizza, and underwear for Christmas. You can only find one of those things in Ghana.

Ginger Rogers said...

Tracey, ok, I know I"m supposed to enjoy the mouse pads, but I LOVE YOUR CHRISTMAS QUILT you laid them on. Oh, so beautiful and "antiquie". I think you made that right? I'm so copying that! The colors are GORGEOUS! I'd leave it out all year! Just Beautiful!

Ginger Rogers said...

Everything about your photos makes me want to be there too! The pizza place, Glenns yummy delicious uncle bill biscuits, the snow, the cozy and the fun! Wish I was there with you! Look out summer here we come! P.S. You look FABULOUS in your photo with Shailey you HOT MOMMA!!!!!!!!

Kristine Van Buskirk said...

Wow! I read all these and didn't comment. Yikes. I'm failing my title. ha ha. Okay, so many great pics I have to comment on. I wrote notes so I wouldn't forget. 1- GREAT jammies! Where did you get those? Gymboree? 2-Love the R2D2. Stew will be looking for that for Liam now. ha ha. 3-Love the plugged noses for the underwear shot. Shailey's idea? You have such funny kids! And Jonas showing R2D2. Funny! 4-Love the notes on the shower wall. What a fun shower. As you're washing, you know you're loved. 5-Shailey needs to teach me chess. I've always wanted to learn.

Kristine Van Buskirk said...

Ran out of room. ha ha 6-You are so good at taking pics of the "bad" scenes. Those are important too! 7-Love the snow shot. It makes ME miss Indiana too. 8-Shailey! Great cheekbones! I couldn't do that even if I sucked in for days!! LUCKY! (said with a Napoleon voice) Anyways. I think I commented enough. ha ha. Love you! What a great Christmas!!