November 6, 2007

Halloween Quiz

This quiz is designed to find out if you participate in Halloween activities for the love and adoration of your children or for your own selfish desires?
(Inspired by my favorite moody blogger, Natalie Hoopes)

a) carve pumpkins to encourage your children's budding artistry?
b) carve pumpkins even though it is a hassle, messy, and expensive (in Japan they cost $20 each) but you want those gross and festive pictures to scrapbook and/or blog?
a) let them choose what they want to be and let their creativity soar?
b) choose their costumes for them so that you get that contrived family theme you were looking for even if they really wanted to be something scary? (however, if they cry enough you let them change into their Buzz Lightyear outfit after taking the "themed" photos first)?

CANDY, Do you...

a) let them keep their candy and even if they eat too much and get sick you know they will learn from their mistake and isn't that what life is all about, learning?

b) sort their candy... suckers, jolly ranchers, and gum get pitched, best candy bars (Japanese Muji chocolates, Bits, and Lottes) get stashed for chubby parents, 1 ziplock of miscellaneous candy gets donated to Dad's work, and what's left the kids get a little at a time if they eat all of their dinner, clean their room, do their homework, don't fight, and complete 5 extra chores?
(Evidence the candy has been sorted, plus, notice the "Japanese" elements in the stash?)

PARTIES, Do you...

a) let them attend all of the parties and Halloween activities they want because childhood is a celebration?

b) only let them attend those parties with the best photo taking opportunities, with the least amount of work, and that offer to feed them a meal?


a) do you take your pumpkins to the trash immediately so that your children are not scarred for life from seeing their masterpiece shrivel up and die?

b) do you leave your decorations through November because after all pumpkins are a "fall theme" and if you wait until your pumpkins are so soggy with mold they will smash down more nicely into your trash can?

*If you answered mostly "a" you are a free spirited hippie parent who doesn't know the meaning of the word "control freak". Your children will grow up to live happy and healthy lives full of meaningful childhood memories.

*If you answered mostly "b" you are definitely a control freak and you need to be stopped. Your children may need medication or the "obliviate" spell to forget their childhood memories.


Corporal Kookie said...

Mom that is dicusto! That is so totally icky! Eww pumpkin!

Melissa said...

Please call me, I have too much to say for this little comment box. I really miss you guys- I need a fix.

Can you guess what I answered n your quiz? True I am a free spirit- I guess even more than I thought. My answers are C, none of the above. Pumpkin carving? You mean we're supposed t carve them? It's just So much easier to buy them and set them on your porch, un- harmed. Besides, I got enough pics from the patch picking them out. and then they don't rot as quickly!
COSTUMES- try to find a theme with one kid set on his and the other getting a hand me down. Like..... A Semi & Frogger- not just any frog, FROGGER. I just needed to be a road. ( An idea I had, but didn't get around to it).
CANDY- One word, closet.

Fun quiz. We love you guys. CALL ME!! :)

Natalie said...

I am flattered that I inspired this quiz. It was so funny! I answered mostly b. And I hope my husband makes enough money to put my children through therapy when the need arises.

LOVED the picture of Jonas with his two thumbs up. Priceless.

Annie said...

Did you make the girls skirts? Being the seamstress that you are I wouldn't doubt it. And thanks for the lovely pics of the pumpkins. Green mold and orange--a winning combination.

Not Just Anna's Blog said...

You will be so happy to know that your pets are being cared for by an A+ #1 'free spirited hippie parent who doesn't know the meaning of the word "control freak"'!!!

We had a Happy Halloween here in Tamarron. More than usual "visitors" from outside the neighborhood (including three drunk Hoosiers who smoked and drank from plastic cups all through the cul-de-sacs while escorting a little girl, and when I encountered them near the end of the evening, they admitted to being lost and needing to find their way back to "the beginning.") We missed your ultra-decorated porch! MKP

Glenn Ostlund said...

Of course all of my answers are "A." But only because I knew that Tracey's were "B." (what is "A" again?)

And BTW, the ultra-decorated porch missed all the treak-or-treaters, too.

Kristine Van Buskirk said...

I have to say I was a "B." I loved your moldy pumpkins. The funny part is the day I read this, I had just taken our moldy pumpkins into the trash. They looked just like yours, except our faces shriveled and looked like little old ladies. Man, I wish I'd taken a picture. FUNNY! This year I let them pick, and lucked out with 3 Disneyland princesses. Love the pics!!

Mad Queen said...

People have asked me if I made the skirts. Yes, I did. I brought my sewing stuff to Japan and I actually found a fabric store.. yeah! They were super easy to make, elastic waist and all. That was another reason we chose this theme (shailey's idea).

Kim said...

I love the outfits (having done this theme myself several years back) and wish you could be in Bloomington for Sammy's birthday party. We are doing a 50's sock hop and requesting that teh party guests wear poodle skirts, rolled up jeans, leather jackets, etc. We miss you guys!

Jen-E said...

I am all "B"s. I'm not exactly a "free spirit" care giver of any kind. Cute costumes - love that you made them!

Corporal Kookie said...

I think you answered mostly "b" so that would mean, you are definitely a control freak and you need to be stopped. I may need medication or the "obliviate" spell to forget their childhood memories.
Your daughter.