May 21, 2008

Perfect Ending to a Horrible Day

I had one of "those" days. You know, the kind where you keep waiting for the TV camera to show up and tell you "you're on candid camera!" I will spare you the details, but at noon I thought the low point of the day was Jonas dropping an expensive $20 watermelon and watching it split in half at my feet. After paying for the split watermelon, I was out of cash for the vegetables I needed to buy.

By 5:00pm I thought the low point of the day was while I was on the exercise bike, the computer repairman shows up and I have to cut my workout short. While he is at work, I hop into the shower and lock my bedroom door for privacy. After a few minutes, I hear a knock at my door. Knowing how private the Japanese are, I assumed it would definitely be one of my kids bugging me. Remember what happens when you "assume"?... you make an .... yeah....hmmm. While dripping wet I open the door to see the friendly Japanese repairman. Clearly this HAD to be the low point of the day... right?

Minor disasters happened in between, but by 7:00 I was very clear on the event that won for the winning low point. As we sat down to eat I smelled something burning. "Huh, that is weird" I thought. I had already got the salmon out of the oven... what could be burning? I look back at the stove and see flames coming from a jumbo plastic jar of Costco pepper. By the time I reached the stove, the jar EXPLODED and pepper showered my kitchen like atomic dust.
After 2 hours of sneezing and vacuuming up pepper from one end to the other, I knew without a doubt this was definitely the low point of the day.


Smoochie Lady April of Cook said...

ha...ha...ha....ha...ha...ha... i am laughing out loud... sorry but i can't help it... i can't believe you didn't tell me about this yourself... i had to read about it on your blog... call me...

Anonymous said...

Okay... To die for! That was hilarious!!! Why is "funny" always when it happens to someone ELSE? You have the best sense of humor! What a stinky-rotten day! You deserve a big hug and to go out to dinner... permanently! Is my grandson still alive? :) Love you! Mom

Glenn Ostlund said...

And if that all wasn't bad enough, at 7:05 your husband came home and... don't get me started, don't EVEN get me started.

By the way, Jonas also peed in the tub that night, which made it kind of a bad day for Emma, too.

And wasn't that also the night he got put to bed in underpants instead of diapers?

Oh for the love...

dallin+michelle said...

sounds like i could use your help on labeling, stamping, bow tying, inserting, stuffing, sealing wedding invitations. you OBVIOUSLY have NOTHING better to do :) this is when you need your sisters... when your friends don't show up klutch to help out, it's your sisters you need... exploding pepper??? i'd have sneezed, laughed, and cleaned that kitchen with you in no time! way to hang in there...

Kristine Van Buskirk said...

That was awesome! I would have loved to see the pepper explode. Who knew it would. Chemical reaction? Hilarious that the repairman knocked on the door. Let's hope you didn't open it TOO wide. ha ha. Great story. Thanks for the laugh!

Megan Nordstrom said...

You win the prize! I don't know which one it is, but you are the winner. Hopefully that was just all you trouble for the month wrapped up into one day. We are headed to B town this weekend! I can't wait. It will be great to see everyone.

Anonymous said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE reading what you write. You have a true gift. We (labor and delivery girls) were just talking about Jonas the other made me sad, to know that you guys are so far away.

Look fwd to more postings


Jenn Hickman

Kisses to those fabulous kids.

Mad Queen said...

Yes, Glenn (aka red headed zombie) you are right. The day started out with Jonas wet in urine from head to toe because I had forgot to put him into pullups the night before... and of course his sheets were FRESHLY WASHED only the day before... Murphys'Law.

-Mad Queen

Alison said...

What a crazy day. I'm sure you are laughing too by now. =) The pepper exploxing was like the grand finale...perfect timing! =)

Lucy said...

Murphy's law... oh yes... Whenever I get on my hands and knees and take the time to "scrub" the floor. a spill is inevitable. About your day. It's over. That's all I can say! :) So sweet of you to share it with us and at least we got a laugh out of it, so it wasn't all for naught! :)

Unknown said...

Hi Tracy!
Found you through Kristine's page (MaryBeth. Hope you don't mind. :) I just love reading about everyone's lives. It reminds me I'm human, not to mention normal (although some maybe argue the normal part).
Anyway.. is it wrong to be so entertained by other people's misfortune? I have to admit the pepper incident had me cracking up.