We travelled on the Shinkansen (Bullet Train) for 2.5 hours. The Shinkansen travels up to 361 mph... Holy speed Batman!
We were fortunate to see Mt. Fuji from our train window... isn't it awesome? Mt. Fuji is the highest mountain in Japan and is actually a dormant volcano that last erupted in 1707.

We toured Osaka Castle, which was built in 1496... about the time America was being discovered. Weird huh? Historical buildings take on a totally different meaning outside of the United States.
Jonas found sacred water to wash up (and taste... ah-hem) before entering this revered site.
Osaka Castle was home of Hideyoshi Toyotomi. His story is interesting. He was was born an insignificant farmer and through his drive and craftiness, he became a huge warlord. He even managed to marry a princess and become part of a royal line. Ambition anyone?
We tried on authentic Samurai costumes. The helmets were incredibly heavy... we all wondered how they could possibly battle with such a heavy piece of equipment on their head. Mine gave me a headache after only a few minutes.

Glenn makes a stud of a Samurai, don't you think? If you ever get a chance to see the film, "Last Samurai" it is awesome (remember this is coming from the opinion of two movie snobs).
"Me so horny"
Jonas was in "boy" heaven.... a costume and a sword = a perfect day.

A local priest stood near the castle. He is praying even though it may look like he is begging. The mechanical way he moved made him seem like he was a Disney animatronic.

"Concubines. Ugly concubines." - Mulan
Shailey got her caricature made by a local artist.
Uh, Emma? There is a monkey on your back.
YUM... yaki ika (fried squid) from a street vendor. It was yummy, but chewy.
Ampanman is a famous Japanese children's superhero...
The next day Glenn had a business meeting, so I took the kids to the Osaka Aquarium (Kaiyukan).
This HUGE stingray has a wing span easily 8 feet wide.While the fish were amazing, apparently so were we. The little school groups could not stop staring at the Americans. I guess when you are out of Tokyo, gaijin (foreigners) are a rare exhibition. Kids would come up and say "hello" and then run away and giggle.

After the aquarium, we took a ride on the Tempozan Harbor Village Ferris Wheel. At 695 feet in height, it once was the world's largest ferris wheel....whoa.
View of Osaka Bay from the top of the ferris wheel.
Emma got a little freaked out the higher we climbed... Shailey enjoyed teasing Emma by trying to make our car shake.
You are welcome. It was fun.
And as for The Last Samurai, yes, it is a beautiful movie, but it should have ended with the scene on the battlefield. The final scene where Emperor Meiji gives the bad-guy his comeupance is just too cheesy for words.
These are great pictures, by the way.
I love Osaka. I lived there most of my mission. I'm so jealous. Just looking at all your pictures makes me so nazukashii
Oh queso...
We have been here how much longer than you and you have been to how many more places in Japan???? Hello, car 54. We have some serious sightseeing to do...
I look forward to a trip to Osaka... someday. You all look like you had a great time. I particularly like your "horny" picture! ...Nice...
Thanks for sharing your Japan experiences with us. As I recall
it, Glenn took me to Osaka and the castle when we were there. I think I
got some toe socks there and we had a Bar-B-Q near some river with one
of his former contacts - if I am remembering things correctly.
I remember riding in the Shinkansen to several of our
destinations - first class air travel on the ground.
I looked over at the Sling Box the other day, Lost was on the
tube and the recorder was working - it gave me a since of remote
togetherness. Looking forward to seeing you in August.
Love Papa Glenn
I enjoyed the journey. Sounds like lots of fun!! You're making the dresses 3,000 (?) miles away. Very BRAVE!! Marji-
The only not cool thing about this comment is that I haven't read the post yet. It looks AWESOME, but we are dashing out the door.
I'll read it and comment again when I get back.(building up your count too!)
I just wanted to THANK you for your sweet comments on my blog. You are always SO good to me Tracey! It means a lot.
I'm glad you don't think I'm a dork for giving David Cook a high 5. That's totally what I was going for, not the goofy, "I love you David", but just a, (hey I think you're great and Although I'm stalking your limo , I am fairly norma)l! You totally get me.
I can't WAIT to see you guys!!!!
You really do know how to make the most out of opportunities-- I love that!! Trips like this -- especially with your wonderful pictures, will be such great memories!
I like the squid in the teeth...uch! Was the ferris wheel scary or just fun-- Love, Nonnie
What a fun trip & great Mother's Day Glenn delivered! Loved the photos! You are definately getting in lots of living there in Japan! I'm so glad to be able to read all about your adventures via the blog! So very fun! You guys all are looking great too by the way. =)
Also, loved your mother's day tribute posts!
To the anonymous papa glenn:
You are remembering mostly correctly. The toe-socks and Bar-b-que were indeed in Osaka with my one-time-friend Sakamoto (who I have since lost contact with). The castle you are remembering was in Matsue. We did not go to the Osaka castle. This was actually my first time there. But close -- and I know you remember bengoshi.
First off you look so beautiful in that last picture. Wow. Secondly Glen was a good husband and treated you like the Queen you are. He is so photogenic and how do you get him to go along with all your crazy pictures. You are such a fun person, mom, friend. Everyone who is around you is affected by your contagious happiness. Thanks for bringing that to my life. You make Japan actually kind of fun. See you at the Pool!!!!
Hi Tracey - I love reading your blogs, you are the best writer, they are all so interesting. Wish I had your talent for putting something like this together. I had lunch yesterday with Stephanie Willis, my friend from Indiana. She was in town for a few days, it was great seeing her. We even talked about you, she had heard that you were in Japan and wondering how you are doing. I want to e-mail her your blog address, know she would love to read the stories you have told about Japan. I really look forward to returning someday it was the best place to visit, clean, friendly, helpful people. Know that we read and enjoy your blogs every time you send one. You must be one great seamstress to make all the bridesmaid dresses just from their measurements. I did that a few years ago however one of the girls was slender but had broad shoulders and so her sleeves were sort of tight. Good luck on your sewing! Are your folks still going to Japan? Be sure they buy the rail pass in the USA! Love you and proud of what you have done for your family! Mary Lou
Love the pics! Great trip! Shailey looks so grown up. And you look FABULOUS! You are TOO skinny! I'm not standing by you at the wedding! ha ha! Great Samurai pics. Where do I get that outfit? Looks like such a beautiful and peaceful place to be. Great memories!
I loved the entire trip! Wish I was there! Loved all the photos. Wish I could have seen the caricature of Shailey. The Bullet Train looked like a lot of fun. I remember when I rode the train to Mt. Fugiama. That brought back a lot of memories when I was in Tokyo.
Love you all! Can't wait to see you and go to Indiana!
hello! I'm Crystal...Lucy Heath said I should check out your blog since I'm moving to Japan at the end of the month. I love all the pictures. It's beautiful!
My hubby is in the Navy and we will be stationed at Atsugi NAF just south of Tokyo. Hope you don't mind if I keep browsing your blog for good info. :)
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