March 3, 2008

Marie Antoinette walks the Catwalk

Emma recently auditioned for what I thought was a part in a make-up show by a famous make-up artist. However, because half the time I only get the gist of what our agent says (because of their broken English and my non-Japanese) I did not understand until we arrived that what Emma really got was a high profile FASHION SHOW JOB.... oops. I felt kind of bad because I had not prepped her for such a big event. So I started talking fast to explain what a fashion show is.... "you know on TV when you see tall girls in crazy outfits walk down a long aisle and then pause and turn around...." Next thing you know, Emma is on stage being instructed IN JAPANESE how to work the CATWALK.
What is astounding to me, is that not only did she understand her instructions in Japanese, but she carried herself with total confidence as if this were part of her everyday routine. There were 4 other little girls there and 2 professional female models... all of which have done fashion shows before. No one could believe this was Emma's first fashion show experience. What gets funnier is that when the staff braided her hair in this cool way we thought this would be her hairdo for the show.... as Emma would say, "easy breezy lemon squeezy"....

Later we learned the braids were just to hold her HUGE WIG for her role as Marie Antoinette. As they started pinning on her wig, Emma got nervous, "Mom, what are they doing to my hair???"
.....that is until she saw her friend's hair.... yeah, Emma thought she got the better end of the deal. Do you want to GUESS what her friend's role is????

Alice in Wonderland!

"on the catwalk, on the catwalk yeah, I do my little turn on the catwalk...."

It was such a bizarre moment for me.... who would have foreseen me backstage, watching my 7 year old daughter, dressed as Marie Antoinette, walk the catwalk in a Japanese fashion show... how random is that? Emma did a fabulous job... I was SO proud of her!

(there was a funny moment when Emma was told that Marie Antoinette chopped people's heads off during the French Revolution... she LOVED learning this bit about her role.... yeah, she kind of enjoys the gore of dark and demented things.... that's our Emma! Later Glenn informed us that actually Marie did not chop off people's heads, but rather, HER head got chopped off.... Emma still found that fascinating!)


Kristine Van Buskirk said...

WOW!! On the catwalk! I do my little turn on the catwalk! How exciting! THE OPPORTUNITIES ARE ENDLESS WITH YOUR KIDS! I can't believe the life experiences they are getting. Can I move to Japan? Love the pics! She is a professional without even trying! Kiss her from her Aunt Kristine! Love her! We are so PROUD! I can't wait to show the girls their "latest" experiences. They loved the commercials and videos. The girls get a kick out of it! Love you!

Melissa said...

I have to laugh that even as a pro model now, Miss fashion show and all- (You know I would have LOVED to be there and see how they did her hair). Emma is still Emma. She was fine with the production, fine with the hair and make up, but what did she get most excited about? The executions! Classic, She is too funny. You guys are having WAY too much fun there! How will you ever go back to life in Indiana? Such COOL experiences.

And can I just say thank you for your sweet comments on my blog. You are definitely a great self-esteem builder. :)You know I am happy to help with the blog decor anytime.... Well almost anytime- LOST trumps it you know. Tell Trisha I'd love to see her blog if she wants to invite me.
Love & Miss you ALL!

Alison said...

That is so cool! LoVE her costume & love that she could just go with the flow like she knew exactly what she was doing! What a great kid and great experience for her! It's so fun to hear all about your adventures and see these great photos! Thanks for sharing!

Into the Wood's said...

What a cool thing! Emma is such a pro! Love you

Natalie said...

That is amazing! Was that wig heavy? Your girls are so awesome, and I can't believe the experiences they're having!!

sweetcakes said...

Love the wig! She's adorable!

Ginger Rogers said...

I have too much to say! First off, love the red lipstick! And WOW on the do! I thought they just put a wig on her, nope, they created the big wig from long hair???? WOW!!!!!!! It was neat to see the gradual change from WAY long to POOF....Marie Antoinette!
What an incredible experience your YOU and HER!!!! To watch her strut her stuff??? The whole thing is a dream come true! Your lives are full of fun for sure! I love you lots! Big kisses!

Kristine Van Buskirk said...

Goose or Coffee?

Anonymous said...

Emma. crasy hair ha ha ha. At frst i thot that i would have long blond hair. But i had crley and i mean rilly crley hair. humff.

Stewart Van Buskirk said...

Let them eat cake!

Silly Monkeys said...

Wow! Marie Antoinette...what an experience for Emma. Love the pics! She looked great and what a little pro. How long did it take to get her all dolled up? I should say Tracey; look at the experience you get to have to be the Mom and see what goes on backstage. The view from backstage is different then the views in the audience.