March 14, 2008

About a Boy

My friend April recently found out she is expecting baby number 3. She currently has 2 daughters and is hoping for a third daughter. She has a lot of apprehension about how her life would change if a boy joined their family. I remember feeling the exact same way. In fact when I found out I was having a boy, these were my first thoughts:

1) Oh my gosh, I am doing all of this work and he is just going to grow up and leave me to serve a church mission for 2 years. That is what boys do... they leave their family!

2) Oh yuck, I am going to have to do the "boy scout" thing... pine wood derby... I think I'm going to be sick.

3) Oh great now I am going to be the "real" mother-in-law... mother-in-law to a son-in-law is way different than a mother-in-law to a daughter-in-law.... worlds tend to collide no matter how "cool" you imagine being.

Now, 4 years later, I am reflecting on how I thought having a boy would be and how it actually is. I have to laugh at my original anxiety because I LOVE having a boy. And, for as hard as he can be, I adore Jonas and can't imagine life without him.

Without a boy, I would miss moments where a lightsaber, a Spiderman backpack, an Indiana Jones rope, and a pair of cowboy boots work together in perfect creative harmony.

I would miss having one less emotionally intense child... the change in chemistry around here is nice. Boys may be "active" but they sure know how to relax and CHILL... anytime, anywhere... just ask my Dad, well and Stew too.

I would miss the world of Buzz Lightyear... to infinity and beyond at every turn.

I would definitely miss the COOL Spiderman underwear... when I see them in the wash among pale pink floral panties, I kind of smile.

I would miss cowboy sheets and cowboy dolls (sorry Barbie, you have nothing on Woody.... there's no comparison, even though you make a great tourguide).

I would miss sweet moves like this... okay, the constant kicking, jumping, and climbing from boys gets tiring, but when you see it paired with red boots, Power Ranger gloves, Indiana Jones hat, and a samurai sword.... well it kind of melts your heart.

I would miss riding Disneyland rides with a hip pirate in lieu of the over-the-top-pink-minnie-mouse-princess-bride-hats that are a bit much... don't you think?
Lookin' good Kristine...
(prego with her first boy...ha!)

Did I mention the climbing thing??? So maybe I would not miss the constant movement but I would miss watching the boy who went from calmly sitting to instantaneously flipping onto his head (you should see him do this on a church pew).

I would definitely miss fixing a boy's hair... because you DON'T fix it... you really never even brush it. You just kind of let it go. There's no fuss with lost hairclips, or frayed hairbows, or broken headbands, or hours of rolling up hair into curlers. Nope. Just wash and go... nice.

I would miss saying "I know your brother has a shovel, but its okay, he's a B O Y, leave him alone."

I would miss how red tights, with a hole in the center, turn into an instant superhero costume... "watch me Mom!"
Ready, Set, GO!

I would miss boys strutting their "stuff"... I used to think this was a disgusting display of manhood, but now it is kind of funny even though I don't get it. Why the pride?

I would miss pairing up two netted princesses with their curls and lace to a boy wearing jeans and carrying a stick... priceless.

I would miss having a Calvin... Jonas really should have been named Calvin because he IS Calvin. Plus, look at boy clothes... easy breezy... jeans and red t-shirts... nothing gets stained and disgusting after one wear. Boys clothes are EASY to care for.

I would miss taking a picture of the boy climbing out of the window instead of scolding my girls with, "get down from there right now!" You know you can't really stop boys from doing this kind of thing, so you just have to relax, sit back, and enjoy the show.

I would miss some fabulous party themes... pirates, bugs, superheros... these are so much fun to plan.

I would miss the fun boy toys. When Shailey found out we were having a boy the first thing she said was, "Yeah, we get all of those cool boy toys, like Hulk gloves!" She has a point.

I would miss how carefree boys are. They don't care about being messy... give them a dirty mud puddle in the middle of the street and they are there. Bye bye diaper and hello fun (now that I think of it, my girls would have done this too).

I would miss the thrill of discovering a neighborhood bulldozer. Jonas was 1 year old the day I took this photo. I remember feeling for the first time, "I am officially the mother of a son."

So April, to you I say I hope you are lucky enough to bare a son. Boys are truly a gift from God and I thank heaven for little boys.


Kristine Van Buskirk said...

Oh my goodness! I could just eat him up!! I actually can't wait for those boy things too! Liam is not doing anything "boy" yet, (only 4 mo. old), but he stops to watch any dog or animal go by. When the girls put on a barbie movie, he could care less. But put on 101 dalmatians, and he's glued! So cute. And thanks for the picture post. Ha Ha! The princess hat is a bit much, but I feel so pretty!

Anonymous said...

Oh how beautiful... Jonas is just drop dead gorgeous... The last photo is your clone! How wonderful that you are able to enjoy the journey and appreciate the moments. The best part? You will always have a son who thinks you are beautiful/perfect! Sons are way more endearing than daughters. Even if they are far away, they always adore their mothers! Big hugs! Love, Mom

dallin+michelle said...

may i have boys as cute as Jonas!! seriously, blonde blue eyed and FUN FUN FUN!!! (sounds like me ;))appreciating the little things... you've captured that trace, your photography of your family-- YOU are amazing! oh to be just... like... you... xoxox

Ginger Rogers said...

You already know I LOVE LOVE boys!!! I always have! Even as a little girl, the boy section with the mini cargo pants caught my eye first, never a frilly dress. It's been so fun for me to hear you and see you with your son! You adore him! You get a special twinkle in your eye when you watch him. Jonas is such a CUTIE PIE!!!! (the tub photo, woe....tan and what a bod!!! Looked like a future swimmer to me!) I love hearing you love these boy things. And I promise, you will LOVE pine wood derby too!!! :) Being the mother of a son is so amazing to me. Everything they do is so different! I just love it! I love seeing you love and enjoy all the boy stuff! You are great at letting Jonas be ALL BOY!!! And though he's a busy busy boy, he has a HEART OF GOLD. He's a sweetie pie! He really is! He's very kind. He's a total go getter, but NEVER in a mean or vicious way. :) I just LOVE HIM!!!! My favorite is when he gets in full gear at my house as a power ranger and will play in Greyson's room for hours and comes out to chat with me about it, and is VERY serious. Oh I eat him up! He can play guns with me any day! Love, Trisha

Ginger Rogers said...

P.S.....The way you worded it all was BEAUTIFUL!!!! I so enjoyed reading each caption and fully enjoyed the photos. Especially my favorite was the red tights with the hole in the crotch, and of course the spiderman undies! Oh, and of course the cowboy boots I got him! I'm so happy he loves them!!! ....oh and the one where Granddad and Jonas are chillin'! That is a keeper! (So true, boys know how to relax, you could NOT have worded that one more perfect! They bring a sense of "chill" to a family for sure!) Also, where did the time go? After looking at the last photo, I couldn't believe how he's grown up already, it made me cry. Kiss him for me! He's growing up too fast!!!!! Love, Trisha

Into the Wood's said...

Sooooo cute! I remember too when you were concerned knowing you were going to have a boy-- Isn't it great to experience the joy they bring! These pictures are just precious!

Love you

Natalie said...

Awh, I really loved, loved this post. It is so true. All of it. You captured the essence of what it is to mother a son. I think I'm going to cry a little bit...

Alison said...

I remember when you found out you were having a boy and I remember you saying all of those things! Ha! I'm so glad you love having your little man. It does look like fun. Maybe someday for the kings? Or maybe another girl? (This is not an anouncement!) I figure either way we won't go wrong! Jonas is a good advertisement for boys.