February 7, 2008

You say Its Your Birthday!!


I surprised Glenn with a reservation at the Beatles Cavern in Roppongi (with the help of my good friend, Hiromi... thank you!). At the club, four Japanese men dress, sing, and play instruments, as if they were the actual Beatles. They sing in English and amazingly enough, their voices really sound like the Beatles! It was quite a show.

Hiromi also helped me order a cake... the festive SPARKLERS were a hit... and the cake had whipcream frosting (my favorite) and fresh fruit... yum yum!The best part is they brought the cake out during their "You Say Its Your Birthday" Beatles song and then announced his birthday with an applause from everyone. Glenn loves getting this kind of attention (NOT).

Shailey's choose to wear her "I'm with the Band" shirt... along with her CTR necklace... a perfect combo.

Happy hour.... this is just to say "see, the party planner was there too"... and we got grenadine in our diet cokes... yum yum (in case you don't know, that makes it cherry flavored).

Okay and I had to show a close up of the candles... the Japanese actually wrap their candles in foil (by hand) to keep the wax from touching the cake.... very neat and tidy.

Last, but not least, this is a picture of Jonas "winking".... isn't he adorable??


sweetcakes said...

Very Cool! Oh, to be so young. sigh.:)

Pretty cake. I might have to steal the "candle wrapped in foil" idea.

Melissa said...

I was wondering what happened to all the Birthdays last month. You guys are jam packed after Christmas!
This dose sound totally fun. I think the only thing Glenn might have liked better was if HE could get up and sing with them, that would be awesome.

I love that you include the kids on things like this so they will grow up to appreciate good music. With you two as their parents they'll be well cultured.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY again Glenn- I love you!
"You do remember Birthday's don't you Richard?"

stevensbball said...

Happy Birthday Glenn! What a fun (and perfect for Glenn) thing to do with the family.
I am one of those who is only seeing half the picture. I was wondering why you guys left Shailey home!
I can so totally relate to the sports bra thing. How about when the one you have for 12 years is one your friend gave you? YIKES. Talk about time to bite the bullet and buy my own right? P.S. I did get rid of the friend one a few years ago - it made me feel like I was in a straight jacket (if sports bras are "optional" for you, this is completely uneccessary)
Take care,

Into the Wood's said...

That looks like so much fun! What a creative birthday party-- It cracks me up to think of Japanese Beatles-- And yes, jonas IS adorable-- just like his Daddy--

Kristine Van Buskirk said...

Happy Birthday to Glenn! I'm so bad at remembering this stuff. I did think of him on his B-day. Sorry, no formal message. I can't wait until I can grow up like you! :) Love you! What a fun place. When we come to Japan, I want to go there. Expensive? Sounds awesome!

Kim said...

You always have the most creative ideas for celebrations and parties! Your family is very lucky to have you.

Ginger Rogers said...

That's it.....You guys have all the fun! My favorite was the foiled covered candles.....they are so neat and tidy about such teeny details....LOVE IT!! What a fun birthday!!!!! Too fun!

Ginger Rogers said...

P.S.....you need to be a party planner! You really do! I miss you!