February 28, 2008

Queen of Hearts

I love hearts. And...... even though Glenn teases me about loving the Queen of Hearts (aka MAD QUEEN), because she says, "all ways are my ways", the real reason I love her is because she is the Queen of Hearts.

In fact, my favorite day of the year is Valentine's Day. I love the idea of a day centered around giving notes to those you love. My favorite wedding gift was the heart waffle maker from my mom, and ever since I married, I traditionally prepare a Valentine's breakfast. Sadly I left the waffle maker in Indiana... however, I got creative and made heart pancackes instead. Not perfect, but still very festive. Love is in the air!

Glenn found this heart for me that reads, U R A TIGER (my family nickname)

The Japanese do not celebrate Valentine's day, so luckily I brought treats back with me from the states after our trip home in December (America loves to sell holiday items long before the actual holiday)

Jonas' heart reads, LOVER BOY...ha!


Melissa said...

How fun and FESTIVE!!!! I made heart pancakes too. It's almost like we were together, Ah.

sweetcakes said...

I thought I loved Valentine's Day, but you created quite the spread! Wow! Remeber last year when we did a Valentine's Day tea for the kids? You even brought those cute heart aprons for us to wear. That was so much fun!

The Dutkiewicz Family said...


What is up? You have a beautiful family. You look great. Your husband reminds me a guy on some WB show a while back...I think he played a doctor in a small town. I'm not that hip on t.v. shows, so don't ask me anymore information...it's just a vague memory. My wife thinks his beard is very cool.

What are you doing in Japan? I suppose if I read the whole blog, I'd find out, but I figured I would cheat and ask.

I left blogging a little while to set up my own law practice and in part to mourn Mitt's demise. But feel free to check on it now, we will try and keep it updated.

How nice technology is, so that we can keep in touch with old friends.

I have a link to Kristine's blog too. What about Trisha? Does she have one?


Kristine Van Buskirk said...

You have always been so good about celebrating the holidays! Love your heart pancakes. I've made those before and you did a great job. They're kind of hard to shape. I've had a URA tiger candy this year too. We thought that was a fun one, and now especially because of you. Too fun. This year I just made a nice dinner and had it all decorated. Our camera was having issues, so I couldn't get any pics. Darn. But it was fun. Love your pics!!

Kristine Van Buskirk said...

Oh, P.S. Leave it to the Americans to rush every holiday. They seem to be confused now, because St. Pat's Day and Easter are so close together this year. We have a mix of deco. But, in CA they are already selling out of shorts for summer and swimsuits. I HATE that about the U.S.! I have to buy shorts in Feb. while it's raining, because they will be GONE by April. AND they don't get any more shipments in. VERY STRANGE! You think in CA they would sell them year round. UGHHHH!! I'm not ready to try on swimsuits!

Alison said...

I love that you love valentines day. It really is a great holiday! I loved your pancake and made our girls some this weekend! Big hit! =) Hearts are so cute and just lovely! You are a perfect queen of hearts!

Natalie said...

Your pancakes look awesome! You are such a fun mom, Tracey. And an inspiration to me to make fun memories for my kids!