February 11, 2008

7 Year Old Speaks on Politics

Recently Glenn was looking at the CNN website and there was a picture of Eddie Murphy and Lindsay Lohan at the bottom advertising celebrity news. Emma looked over Glenn's shoulders and says, "I know who those people are." With surprise and intrigue, Glenn asks Emma to enlighten him. She says, "they are running for president of the United States." Glenn laughs and assures her these two are just movie stars and that they are not running for president. With conviction, Emma exclaims, "No, Dad, they ARE! We are learning about equal rights in my class right now and I know that for the first time in history, we could have a black man or a woman president. My teacher told me. Its true Dad, and that's them!"

Right idea, wrong people.


Grammie said...

Definitely RIGHT idea and certainly BETTER people than those on our ballots here locally! Hillary can't really be running, can she?? Great thinking, Emma! Love, Grammie

Natalie said...

Cute story. If Hillary wins, I'm so moving to Canada.

stevensbball said...

Hey, they are probably just as qualified to run our government as the other history making candidates!

Into the Wood's said...

That is hilarious-- go Emma!!

Stewart Van Buskirk said...

Come on how cool would that be if Eddie Murphy was president. Oh it's hot in the hot tub! He would just have to ditch Johnny Gill.

Ginger Rogers said...

I would totally vote for Eddie Murphy...would that mean the first lady would be "scary spice"? Mmmmmm???? They do have a child together! Way to go EMMA!!!! I was CRACKING up! That was TOTALLY HILLARIOUS!!!!!!!! I could hear her little voice saying it all too with her cleaver tone! I love her! Kiss her for me!

Glenn Ostlund said...

Stew's comment wins. Unce, tice, fee times a madey -- wookin pa nub -- not such a stretch from strategery, is it?

Kristine Van Buskirk said...

I'm on Emma's page with politics. That is awesome! "Out of the mouths of babes" Should we take that as a hint about our politics? Ha ha!

Alison said...

Okay...THIS CRACKS ME UP! Now I really don't know who to vote for!