October 24, 2007

To Infinity and Beyond!

Like most boys his age, Jonas loves Buzz Lightyear. Today we went to the park with some of his school friends and he insisted on wearing his Buzz outfit. The transformation from Jonas to Buzz was complete when he flew down the slide on his belly with his arms out. "I CAN FLY" he told Woody, and then he did.

The moment of flying like the real Buzz was even worth the face plant into the sand at the end... over and over again.


Kristine Van Buskirk said...

He is so DARLING!! He makes me excited to have a boy! And right now, that's hard to do. duh duh duh!

Melissa said...

Man, Where Have I been? These last few posts are great. I love the one about shoulder pads! Ahh, They are horrible! Emma is so sweet to include her animals in trick or treating- And Buzz Jonas, classic. One year when you are back we'll have to do Halloween together. We miss you guys. Call me-

Natalie said...

That slide looks awesome! I want to go down it.