October 22, 2007

Halloween Haunts by Emma

Emma is a creative genius and project girl. She can always be found cutting, pasting, coloring, and crafting. Her latest project was to create Halloween costumes for her stuffed animals. She did an amazing job. Happy Halloween!


Glenn said...

Do I really need to point out that Halloween is a pagan celebration? I don't know if I feel more sorry for the kids being misled and encouraged to support this devil holiday, or the poor stuffed animals who have no say in the matter. For shame.

Kim said...

I love it! She sure put a lot of detail into the costumes. Do you get to trick-or-treat in Japan?

Natalie said...

She & James would get along so well.

Kristine Van Buskirk said...

Oh my gosh! How cute! Pagan or not, she is creative and clever. And talented! She should sew those. ha ha!