September 17, 2007

I am a Bag Lady

Question: What do you get when you take a girl and give her one wimpy umbrella stroller, plus 2 backpacks, plus 3 lunch bags, plus 4 sacks of groceries?

Answer: BAG LADY.

For the most part shopping here is a daily event... unlike how I LIKE to shop and how I USED to shop (once a month Sam's club with an occassional run to Kroger's for milk). This is a big change, but I am liking it... especially taking that trip to the veggie stand down the street just before dinner... it makes me feel like I am fitting in. DON'T HASSLE ME I'M LOCAL (thank you Bob)

1 comment:

Natalie said...

Pretty soon, nobody will be able to tell you apart from the locals ;)