September 2, 2007

First Weekend in Tokyo

Shailey and Emma making their way through the crowds... see the Kimonos? Many people dressed up in traditional costumes for the festival.

Photo of the CROWD of people!

Shailey and Emma getting slurpees... icees... well, something in Japanese very similar, only you could add a mango topping, or a soybean topping, even a tomato topping... sound yummy?

Emma says YUM!

Roasted Corn right there on the spot... hot and fresh with some spice to it... yummy!

Emma fishing for little animal toys...

This is the 500 yen dress ($4.00) Shailey purchased and the 3 little animal toys Emma fished.

Here we are at festival that takes place at the end of our street. It was VERY crowded with people and food booths. Glenn watched Jonas at home and I took the girls to check it out. We purchased snow cones, roasted corn on a stick, and a chocolate banana (not frozen... oops...little yucky). Shailey found a cheap pink dress to buy, I found a small purse (to carry the loads of Japanese coins I use now) and Emma played a game where she fished for little toy animals (you can't have enough toy animals... that is what she says). We had a blast exploring our new surroundings. We learned and used our first word... "sumimasen"... which means "excuse me"... as we made our way through the crowd. It was much fun.


Melissa said...

THat's so cool the festival was down your street. HOw fun to have all these cultural experiences at your front door. I'm SO happy to hear that you all love it there!

Glenn said...

Looks a little too pagan if you ask me.

Natalie said...

I can't believe how much older Emma looks! You guys live in such a cool place - how long will you be there?