Jen Napierski and I finally got the same modeling job for our kids. It was not the dreamiest job, but knowing that we could hang out together, made it worth going. This job was at the Yokohama Super Factory, where Emma filmed her Bridgestone Tire commercial. Not sure about the studio's motto, "We Create Monsters", but I guess it is pretty appropriate.
This was for Fujitsu, the same electronics company Jonas did the telescope shoot with at Mt. Fuji. Only this time, there was a famous Japanese movie star, Takako Matsu. She is like the "Angelina Jolie” of Japan (see photo below), where most of her family is also in show business.

Anyways, because she is famous, she has a strict contract about who is permitted to see or be near her. So, all 30 of us parents were required to stay behind a HUGE white curtain. We could only see what was going on if we lay on the floor and peaked underneath (which sadly we did).
Here is what they looked like when parents were not permitted to help.....
complete MAYHEM.
(Note, Jonas is the kid sitting on the floor playing with something and Ava, Jen's daughter, is offstage crying).
Here is what they looked like when Moms were finally allowed to help...
I love this "behind the scenes" look at the Moms directing their kids, doing whatever it takes to get their child to perform. Check out the super nutty lady laying down in the front. Doesn't she have a clue how ridiculous she looks? She took the job to the extreme.
Ha ha, it is my friend Jen... and I love this photo. This is proof that she was the ultimate mother who sacrificed all self-respect for the sake of her daughter's modeling career. She is super fabulous.
Jonas was given "Scooby-do" clothes to wear....
"Hey Shaggy, your wardrobe is calling"
Here is the final advertisement...
can you spy Jonas?
Jonas is in the back and Ava, Jen's daughter is in the front left.
This post would not be complete without detailing our ride home. It was the ride from H-E-double-hockey-sticks. We picked up a Taxi in a rural part of Yokohama. The taxi driver, bless his heart, spoke ZERO English and had no clue how to get us home. We knew we were in big trouble when he was confused at the mention of Roppongi, one of the principle cities of Tokyo. However, he was determined to get us there (even when we kindly offered to get out and find another taxi).
He was also pretty funny. Along the way, he randomly threw out English phrases that made no sense.... "cool guy", "nice place", “loving you”, "having fun time", and "high five". Come to think of it, he may have picked up these phrases from American conversation hearts, ha ha. Nothing short of a miracle, two and a half hours later, we arrived home (only an extra hour and a half, no big deal... uggghhh). He was so PROUD he clapped and cheered and so did we. He was darling!
How can I compare any experience to this one and all the others we have over here. I'm sure our day at summerland will give us many more to laugh about.
hi tracey, it's hollie, jen's friend from utah! hilarious post! loved all of it! the pics were great and the story telling so funny! i'm so jealous of all the fun, crazy things you guys get to do out there. love it! give jen a hug for me! :)
That was funny! I even said all the phrases in my Japanese sounding voice. Pretty funny too!
That was awesome! Loved the final pic. I thought Jonas was in the front with the plaid shirt on. I thought maybe he changed, but when you blew up the pic I saw him. Funny. Loved Jen crouched on the floor. Hilarious! I noticed the cranky lady on the left who was clearly giving her child the "death" look to get her child to perform. At least Jen was being silly not angry. ha ha Funny what we have to do to get our kids to "perform." Loved the taxi driver. Hilarious! I would have loved to have been there!!!
It seemed like such a good idea at the time to help get the children to laugh. But now looking at what an idiot I am I'm not so sure!!! Oh well.... they got the shot they wanted!
Very cool for Jonas and hilarious for the rest of you. Love the picture of the Taxi driver! Mr. Determined. Too perfect that Ava and Jonas got to be right next to each other.
Sounds like your taxi driver learned engrish from those chalky Valentine hearts candies.
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