However, only a few days later I was attacked by a serious case of stress... and what is was my first response to said stress?.... hit the box of Peeps... not one, oh no, the entire box. After licking the last bit of crystallized sugar from my lips, I remembered a wonderful Frog and Toad tale about "WILL POWER"...
Toad made cookies and they could not stop eating them so they went through all kinds of tricks to keep themselves from eating more cookies.... from tying them up, to putting them on top of the refrigerator. In the end, Frog tossed them out to the birds. Toad was devastated and said "Frog, you can have your WILL POWER. I'm going home to bake a cake".
Yeah, I think I may be on Toad's page, who needs will power?
We like to dry out our peeps until they're crunchy on the outside and stretchy enough on the inside to rip out our fillings.
I'm with you, who needs will power? It's totally overrated.
Just don't start baking PEEPS.
That's funny. I love the Frog and Toad stories. Classics! I'm glad you found an outlet for stress. Now, if you were watching a show at the same time... now we're talking. :)
HA!HA! Good story! I know I've seen that book, I don't remember reading it. I'm with Toad too! (: Will power only works when stress doesn't.
I have a magnet for my fridge that says, "I just ATE my willpower!" I feel your pain.
I love that story. I remember reading those with Mom when I was little, but it wasn't until I started them with the boys that I realized how funny they are. Sometimes I read the all by myself.
You know that one was an extra special one for me! :)
.. the list is another fav.
Those PEEPS WERE TEMPTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I did get sick I was stufing my face. Emma.
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