September 23, 2009

Perfect Parenting Guide

Per Glenn's request, I got him the Cosby Show Collection for his last birthday.  Our family has started watching an episode every evening.  What is fun is that while this show aired in the 80's, the humor is current and its fabulous parenting wisdom STILL pertains to families today.  Our kids, ages 5-12, love it and beg for "just one more episode".  I love to hear them bust up laughing... every episode is super funny.

Here is an excerpt from one of my favorite episodes:

CLAIR:  Cliff, did you tell him he's heading for disaster and that if he doesn't buckle down he'll never get anywhere?

CLIFF:  The boy does not care about getting anywhere.  The boy said to me that he wanted to be regular people.  When in fact, what he is, is lazy people.  And if the regular people find out that he's using their name, they're gonna come down and kick his butt.

September 22, 2009

Thomas Visit to Japan

My newlywed sister Michelle and her husband Dallin came to Tokyo for a visit, shortly after my parents left.  We hit a few of the same tourist spots, but mostly we tried new places.  I knew that Dallin could only handle so many shrines before he went batty, so I tried to pick "active" tourist adventures!


Does this remind you of, "The Never Ending Story"?

Dallin caught "some" air on the marshmellow mounds... uh, wow

Michelle had better toe-touches than me and she never even did cheer

Dallin lured quite a crowd of school kids and like the Pied Piper, they followed him around until he was forced to make a quick getaway

Tulip Festival at Showa Kinen

 HAKONE Open Air Art Museum

Creative nets with crawling holes to climb in and out

Dallin... now you see him, now you don't

Feeding the COY FISH, Michelle actually pet one :)

At the end of the museum path, there is a FOOT SPA... ahhhh so nice

Then we rode the ropeway to the OWAKUDANI NATURAL HOT SPRINGS

This area is famous for KUROTAMAGO which means black egg
(even Hello Kitty is dressed in a black egg costume for this tourist hit)

Steam comes from the hot springs and there is a heavy sulphur smell in the air...

The eggs are cooked in the sulphur water and it turns them black

They were stinky and looked wierd, but actually YUMMY!



Tea House in the center where we had Matcha Tea

HEIWA NO MORI Obstacle Course Park

We all fell into this water and became completely soaked
( accidentally got deleted )

ZOZOJI Buddhist Temple

Cool idea to lean on these huge red doors... uh, wet paint? 
And now a stain to always remember Tokyo.


Bye Bye Michelle and Dallin... we had fun!

Pub Snack

This adventure from the Thomas Trip deserves its own post....

I had this great idea to visit Kamakura, home of the world's largest Buddha statue.  I did the research and found the phone number to plug into our van's navigation system.  Plug it in and away we go.  Glenn kept saying, "this does not seem right... this is taking us towards the airport." I assured him it was right and to keep going.  After an hour, our navigation announced, "YOU HAVE ARRIVED AT YOUR DESTINATION"... uhhhhh, we were in the middle of nowhere, at a deserted business called PUB SNACK.  I started to cry in disappointment and frustration.  However, Glenn saved the day... he jumped out of the car and acted like this was all on purpose.... of course we planned to visit Pub Snack.  With excitement he shouted, "break out the camera and lets take pictures!!!"  I finally could laugh a little, but was still so disappointed. 


Then Glenn lead us in a game of SIMON SAYS
trying to keep things light and fun

What is so amazing is that this "mistake" ended up being the favorite part of Michelle and Dallin's Tokyo Trip.  After Simon Says, Glenn lead us to a nearby temple and garden called:


I took a picture of this SQUATTY POTTY (that is what us Westerners call them)
This is a Japanese toilet that women and men use... it is NOT women friendly....
women are not designed to pee in such a fashion... messy, messy, messy

 Not knowing that in the men's restroom, Glenn was taking this picture of Dallin with his cell phone...

This old building housed a ton of old relics that I wanted to steal and put in my own house...

See all of the old signs and art work?  Wish I could take a piece or two home...

This picture of Jonas looks so much like a photo I have of myself as a kid...

Can you spy the TURTLES on the TURTLE?

 The End of a  fabulous day, all thanks to my true love, GLENN