January 23, 2009

The Candy Witch

We have a Halloween tradition in our family. The night before Halloween, we read "The Candy Witch" by Steven Kroll. If the kids go to sleep right away, then the Candy Witch comes in the night and puts a special Halloween treat under their pillow.

We were curious if the Candy Witch would travel all the way to Japan... and she did! The kids got pumpkin cookies that were delicious.
Because the their Mom is SO FESTIVE (ah hem), they got an awesome Halloween lunch for school.... homemade seasoned pumpkin seeds, a caramel apple, their "Candy Witch" cookie, and cute Halloween napkins. Well, to be healthy, they also had a salmon onigiri (seaweed wrapped rice ball with salmon inside).


Glenn said...

Yes, Shailey and I miss our festive mom right now. I especially love the way you cook such festive meals and keep such a clean festive kitchen and do such clean festive laundry. Did I mention that we miss you?

Of course I miss those other festive things too, but I don't want to embarrass you, so I won't mentioned any of your private festishes. ;)

Kristine Van Buskirk said...

Love that story! Where did you get it? I need it! What a fun tradition! I might have to copy that. :) Also, LOVE the themey lunch idea. I'm going to copy that too. ha ha ha