January 17, 2009

Prelude to a Kiss

Shailey had my camera and took these random photos of Calvin, uh I mean Glenn, and I leading up to a kiss... we are infamous for our kiss pictures.

And they lived happily ever after. The End. Happy 15 years Glenn and Tracey.


Kristine Van Buskirk said...

15 years! Wow! How exciting! Fun "prelude to a kiss" but stupid movie. LOL Love the pics Shailey!

dallin+michelle said...

in that first pic, i totally see shailey in glenn... very fun to see. dallin hates kissing pictures but we do them anyway ;) HAPPY HUGE 15 YEARS!!!

Glenn said...

Usually the uncontrollable laughter happens afterwards...

Natalie said...

15 years, wow! You look so beautiful, and your hair is so long!

Just caught up a bit on your blog. That's great that you had family visit. Eating Octopus? Green water? You're having so many adventures.

I'm proud of you for eating sushi. I can't believe they killed the fish right in front of you.

And how cool that you met the guy from Lost, and the Emma modeled Burberry clothes!!