Glenn and Shailey attended a "Daddy Daughter Dance". I was asked to take pictures at the event, so I was able to spy on these two nuts. Glenn the TROOPER came to the dance STRAIGHT FROM the AIRPORT... coming back to Tokyo from his trip to the states (14 hour airplane ride anyone?)... he was major jet lagged, but made it on time just for Shailey, what a Dad!
Looks like it was a fun night. I love seeing daughter's with their Dad. Too cute.
How well I remember those Daddy Daughter events! But Glenn is WAY more hip than my dear Dad. I would have been dancing right there with you. Looks like you had a lot of fun!
First of all, Glenn is SOOOOOO handsome! You married a hottie! AND.......I bet you Shailey will NEVER go through that awkward, look weird stage. She's too naturally stunning! You know what I mean? She is just beautiful and so radiant! Perfect coloring, hair, structure........she's got it ALL!!! Yep, she's got good genes! :)
I LOVE them! Sounds like so much fun. I'm glad Glenn could make it back in time for the dance!
Yeah- I got a little blog "burn out", but I think I'm coming back. I guess I'm not feeling as cute either, so why bother with pictures, vain I know.
Love you -Miss You! LOST in two days!
What Tracey didn't mention is that I had just flown in (17 hours in all) from the US. I got in to Tokyo early enough to shower and change before the dance, but not by much, so please -- dad of the year trophy anyone?
And the best moment was the last song -- Steve Tyrell's version of "Cheek to Cheek." Shailey and I mimicked the lyrics. The best was the fishingpole spin and toss for the lyric "I like to go out fishin, in a river or a creek..."
Good times. Great girl.
I just left a comment but don't know if it came through, so I'll try again...
It's awesome that Glenn made it even though he was so tired. Shailey will have such good memories. My dad did that for me, and I had the best time at my Daddy Daughter dance!
I've been out of town and not on computer so I'm just now catching up on these wonderful pictures-- What a beautiful couple they make-- !! I knew Glenn was planning to make it there after the long plane flight-- You're right-- what a great dad!! It looks like so much fun! Thanks again for sharing ; )
Okay, Glenn, I'll give it to you. AND THE DAD OF THE YEAR TROPHY GOES TOO .......GLENN OSTLUND! That's when they wake you up from your jet lag. Awesome that you made it. She'll be telling that story and your "dance" times for her life. I still remember my "daddy/daughter" dance and we drove the mustang. He peeled out of the driveway and made my mom roll her eyes. It was so fun. Great memories! Good job Glenn. Love the pics. How lucky to be the "camera girl's" favorite couple. :)
See... aren't you glad you participated in this. You took some fabulous pictures of Glenn and Shailey. Next year will be lots of fun as Emma will be there as well. I am glad that Glenn approved of my DJ selection for the last song, tell him to remember that he promised to make next year's disc so I won't have to stand there fumbling through options.
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