When I first arrived in Tokyo last August, I put a medicine cup next to my pill bottle so that it would be easy to drink water with my daily pill.
Then came the day, 5 months later when I saw that same cup I had been using to drink water from was next to the toilet... and I knew I did not put it there.
"That is strange" I said under my breath.
In absolute horror, I realized that my little drinking cup was next to Glenn's "Ketone" strips, the very same strips he uses to check the ketone levels of his URINE.....
"G L E N N!!!!"
I ran to him and confirmed what I already knew was true. He had been urinating in the very same cup I had been drinking from.
I cried. He laughed. Glenn has a sick sense of humor.
I got a new cup and in BOLD PERMANENT MARKER I wrote on it: "PILLS".
The next day I came home to find another cup next to mine. It too had BOLD PERMANENT MARKER on it... only this one said something a little different... I laughed out loud. I finally saw the humor of the situation and it was really very funny.
The moral of the story? Label your urine cups, your pills cups, or preferably both.
An interesting sidenote is after drinking from a urine cup for 5 months, I never got sick. I only got sick after I discovered I was drinking from a urine cup.
Sick, sick, sick.
Funny... Funny... Funny...
This story still makes me laugh... laugh... laugh... You win the GRAND PRIZE for the Grossest of Gross stories (ya for you!). Love that you actually posted it!!!!
BTW. Do I get a prize for finally posting a comment?
That is AWESOME! What a great story to start my day off with.
Glen is my hero. That is totally something I would have done. I think its hilarious and would urge more of the same so I can continue to laugh.
Well it looks as if many of us have sick senses of humor....That was hilarious!!!
Oh, no! I would have had the same reaction as you did. At least uring is a neutral substance, right?
Ha, Ha, Ha....I am still laughing. You win the grossest of gross stories. Hands down.
I've got two words for you,
"Dixie Cups". Maybe you need to check your keytone levels too now!
Wow this is grosser than gross.
I'm having a crazy, busy, hard week so I'm so glad to have a good laugh in the morning. You guys have a good sens of humor. I'm so glad you share it with us.
You are tooooooooo funny
Nothing is better than a SICK SINCE OF HUMOR, I Love it!
-Aunt Maureen
I LOL when I heard it before, and it's STILL funny! I can only imagine what it must feel like to know you SHARED that cup! Thanks for blogging it and giving me another laugh! Love you!
Too funny! And YES, gross! Ignorance is bliss sometimes. Love you guys! Anna and Brent
I'll give it to you, that is pretty nasty. But I think the story of Emma in the public restroom is worse. This one makes me laugh. Emma's makes me gag! Cheers.
Oh, that is soooo gross!
Were you "pissed off" when you found out??? HAA HAA!!!! Love this story! ALWAYS HAVE!!!! Glenn is the BEST!! I love that he let the funny moment happen, instead of marching you into the bathroom and showing you "look what I did, aren't I funny?" NOPE...instead he did it the COOL way, and TOTALLY Way more funny to let it shock you in the moment! LOVE IT!!!! Now should we say "pills, bills and piss?" HEE HEE! (a little Mrs. Snow for ya!)
Tracey, I'm laughing SO HARD!! I'm sorry but that is hilarious! No worries, I've heard survivor man uses urine to sterilize wounds, and well survive. :)
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