April 26, 2010

They Might Be Giants

When we first moved to Japan,
I often felt like a large, loud, lumbering American.

(thank you David for demonstrating this)

Americans like our products to be BIG.

For example, our MILK
( I took this photo in America, to see the comparrison.
In Japan you can only buy milk in quart size, even at Costco)

(the large size we brought from America, the small size we purchased in Japan)

(American sized yogurt on left... in Japan this is probably "family size")

Even their ORANGES are smaller
(okay kidding... the tiny one is a kumquat) 

Japan's JUICE boxes for kid's lunches are smaller

And their SODA is smaller
(the regular size can I purchased at the International Import Market
 and the small can I purchased from a local Japan grocery store)

Japan sells almost zero CEREAL, but the few boxes do sell are TEENY TINY
( the large box was purchased from Sam's Club in the states)

In Japan, space is a comodity and compact is a necessity.

For example, CARS

BIKES that actually fold up
(my American sized bike is on the right)

Even the HOUSES are small....

You thought that was small, but check out the HOUSE on TOP!
(about the width of 3 futon mattresses)

Or this HOUSE
About the width of a bicycle... I would love to see the inside.

(I have wondered if this is because of space or aesthetics)

You often see children's tiny TOILETS
that are even too small for Jonas

However, Japanese ART is BIG

And so are their paddles for spanking spoiled children....

Okay, really it is a giant sized paddle for serving rice
(the sign underneath probably claims it to be the world's largest rice paddle)

Yes, Americans might be giants....
if nothing else, we are BIG in Japan!


Dallin said...

I say we move to Japanese size food, that might help America a bit, all the other stuff (cars are cooler bigger) :)

Anonymous said...

Wow... that was amazing!!! Our bellies/belts are also in the gigantor sizes... Very insightful!!
Love, Mom

Annie said...

Having just been to Japan, I can TOTALLY relate. This is not a place to go if you want to feel petite. :)

Kelly said...

love this post!

Melissa said...

What a cleaver post! You are so creative!

Lisa Brown said...

Great shots! Some of them looked familiar (: Sad to think it's all going to wrap up- but on a good note what an awesome adventure!!!

Katy said...

Loved this post. Wishin' I were in Japan with u! If you see Royal Family's mochi choco, buy it immediately. It's my favorite Japanese candy.

dallin+michelle said...

i love your little "posers" even got glenn to pose for a photo :)

one of the things i miss most about france was the fresh fruit markets just a bop walk around the corner... not a long drive to the grocery store! grrr... things we miss, but other things SO GLAD to have back! give and take i tell ya. now we'll be a bop drive to ga!! hooray!!

Glenn said...

This was a really cool post babe.

Kristine Van Buskirk said...

ha ha ha I've always said that was an American problem... BNL. Thank you Wall-E. LOL Great pics. Stew will need to save some of these. ha ha

I'm not feeling my "smallest" lately... I'm a little concerned when I get to Japan. LOL Great... I'm be huge!!

Megan said...

I loved reading this! It makes me miss Japan. Your kids are huge and gorgeous. I miss you guys.