Rain or shine, tired or not tired, my Mother read to us every single night. This is especially amazing considering she grew up in a home with a single Mother who NEVER read to her because she always worked the night shift. My Mom made a promise to herself that life would be different for her kids and she kept that promise.
We were mostly middle class, bordering on poor growing up, but that did not stop us from frequenting the Monrovia Public Library. And poor or not, on Book Fair Day at school, we got to pick out a new book marker and a couple of books. I loved that! Our home bookshelves were always brimming with treasures. And, at Christmas time, you could be assured a few classics in your stocking.
I love reading to my kids. It is probably the most consistently nice thing I do. It is my favorite moment of the day. I love to create voices that transcend the grumpy end-of-the-day Mom into a happy one. I love children's books.... you can't get any better than Frog and Toad, Magic Treehouse, or Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus... they are fabulous.
I also love my children. I am thankful to pass on my love for books to them. Emma and Shailey are superb readers and Jonas is not far behind. Jonas' teacher at school told me that for as wiggly as he is, he can sure sit still during story time... she said he gets so engrossed in the story that he does not move... amazing.
I am thankful to be a mother. I am thankful for a Mother who loved reading to me and 36 years later, still does! Thank you Mom and Happy Mother's Day.

PS, thank you to my sweet husband who, all on his own, captured this candid reading moment on film. That is the best Mother's Day present you could have given me. I love you.