After much deliberation, we decided that Glenn would return to Tokyo with
Shailey and I would remain in Indiana with Emma and Jonas. Not knowing how I could be injured and take care of Emma and Jonas too, Glenn surprised me with "I just got off the phone with your Dad, he will be flying in tomorrow night!"
I love Glenn. I love my Dad. I love that Glenn knew my Dad would help me without any hesitation. My Dad stayed with us for 7 weeks. He took me to all of my doctor appointments. He combed my hair into a pony tail every day. He cleaned and cooked. He entertained Emma and Jonas. He helped me put on my immobilizer brace and even helped me hook my bra.
Most of my friends said A)
their Dad would never come and B)
if he did come, he would not be helpful.Wow, I am a lucky daughter. There is no doubt I have the
absolute best Dad in the world. He is truly special. I love spending time with him. We always have stuff to talk about from politics to solutions for
restless leg syndrome (aka the tinglies). We both LOVE antiques and during our time together we got a little too hooked on Ebay, hunting for great antique finds (sorry Mom). When I started feeling better we hit a few antique shops together. He is also a project guy, so he fixes anything and everything. This trip he replaced all of my ripped screens (thank you Jonas) as well as re-caulked my bathrooms, fixed my towel racks, repaired my outside light post, patched up my ceiling leak, and snow-plowed my driveway. He is very easy to please and never is put off by another
Steak and Shake or
McDonalds dinner, which made it easy for me since I couldn't cook. We have the same sense of humor in TV shows... Seinfeld rules. This trip we watched THE OFFICE every night after we put the kids to bed. Over the 7 weeks we got through all 4 seasons...TV junkies, ha!
Dad, I love you. I am so glad when Daddy comes home.