February 28, 2008
Let it Snow in Yeti
I think what I am appreciating most about the Japanese, is their passion for being "festive". You give them a "theme" and they run with it. I too share that passion... I love a good theme. At Yeti, we discovered Japanese "snowball makers" that give you the perfect gorgeously round snowball.... really fun. Plus there were the outdoor fire pits and the man made Igloo's for the kids to play in which added to the ambiance (in Japanese you say "fu-in-kee"). The Japanese do not skip the details. That has it's negatives and positives. For Yeti, it was all positive.
PS We have to laugh at what they gave Shailey to wear... she looked like the CDA from Monster's Inc... you know the guys that have to decontaminate the monsters if they came in contact with a human? Funny.
Queen of Hearts

The Japanese do not celebrate Valentine's day, so luckily I brought treats back with me from the states after our trip home in December (America loves to sell holiday items long before the actual holiday)
Jonas' heart reads, LOVER BOY...ha!
February 21, 2008
This is Dedicated to the One I Love

February 18, 2008
Baby Love Quiz
These are 5 loves in my life, see if you can match the baby with what I love about them:
a. I love your happy nature
b. I love your mischevious nature
c. I love your driven nature
d. I love your kind and easy nature
e. I love your energetic nature
Answers at bottom:
(1, b = glenn) (2, c = emma) (3, d = jonas) (4, a = shailey) (5, e = me.... I am very thankful for my energy:)
Arrested on Valentine's Day

One thing we learned about a Japanese concert... as soon as the music starts, everyone STANDS UP the entire time! So this photo was the only moment we were actually sitting down.
The Japanese really got into the performance with singing along, cheering, dancing. We did too... you can't help but move when you hear such incredible songs as: Every Little Thing She Does is Magic, Message in a Bottle, Walking on the Moon, Wrapped Around Your Finger, De Do Do Do De Da Da Da, Can't Stand Loosing You, Roxanne, King of Pain, and Every Breath You Take.
Sting, I love you. Happy Valentine's Day.
February 11, 2008
7 Year Old Speaks on Politics

Recently Glenn was looking at the CNN website and there was a picture of Eddie Murphy and Lindsay Lohan at the bottom advertising celebrity news. Emma looked over Glenn's shoulders and says, "I know who those people are." With surprise and intrigue, Glenn asks Emma to enlighten him. She says, "they are running for president of the United States." Glenn laughs and assures her these two are just movie stars and that they are not running for president. With conviction, Emma exclaims, "No, Dad, they ARE! We are learning about equal rights in my class right now and I know that for the first time in history, we could have a black man or a woman president. My teacher told me. Its true Dad, and that's them!"
Right idea, wrong people.
Ostlund Family in STIK DOODLE

February 8, 2008
Born in the USA
America's native costume is:
a) blue jeans and a t-shirt
b) saggy pants that show your underwear, a sideways ball cap, and a few gold chains
c) Native American headress, leather vest with fringe, and face paint
d) anything red, white, and blue (even if that means tripling your "scrunchies")
e) goth (black, black, and more black)
f) cowboy (but not necessarily "red neck")
g) all of the above
h) none of the above
i) [enter your idea here]
My idea was to combine RED, WHITE, BLUE, and COWBOY.
How would you dress your child for One World Day?
February 7, 2008
You say Its Your Birthday!!

I surprised Glenn with a reservation at the Beatles Cavern in Roppongi (with the help of my good friend, Hiromi... thank you!). At the club, four Japanese men dress, sing, and play instruments, as if they were the actual Beatles. They sing in English and amazingly enough, their voices really sound like the Beatles! It was quite a show.
Hiromi also helped me order a cake... the festive SPARKLERS were a hit... and the cake had whipcream frosting (my favorite) and fresh fruit... yum yum!The best part is they brought the cake out during their "You Say Its Your Birthday" Beatles song and then announced his birthday with an applause from everyone. Glenn loves getting this kind of attention (NOT).

Okay and I had to show a close up of the candles... the Japanese actually wrap their candles in foil (by hand) to keep the wax from touching the cake.... very neat and tidy.

Last, but not least, this is a picture of Jonas "winking".... isn't he adorable??