My Mom is always telling me that I don't give my kids enough responsibility and that I do too much for them. Maybe she is right. However, this particular day proved Shailey is amazingly responsible for an 11 year old girl.
I had an all day modeling shoot with Emma, Glenn had to work unusually late until 9:30pm, and Shailey ended up with a modeling audition that same night. I would not be able to take her to the audition, but she insisted she wanted to do it anyway, so I gave her maps for how to get there, and she called me from her cell phone at every stop. Here is Shailey's day:
8:00am -3:30pm attend 6th grade school classes
3:30pm pick up Jonas from school
15 minute walk to take Jonas to Napierski's house (family friends)
15 minute walk back to school for netball practice
4:00-5:00 netball practice
change clothes for audition
go to Hiroo and take subway for 7 stops and 1 transfer in Roppongi
5:40 meet agent at subway exit
5:45-7:00pm audition (which included some singing too)
take subway back to Azabu Juban this time, only 6 stops and 1 transfer
20 minute walk to Napierski's house to pick up Jonas
7 minute walk Jonas home
7:30 pm bathe Jonas and get him in his pajamas
cook herself eggs for dinner
8:30pm Mom gets home
I did try to get a babysitter to help with Shailey's subway ride, but no one was available. Shailey tried to get a friend to go with her, but that did not work either. Glenn tried to come home earlier, but couldn't. It was a crazy day. I could not have gotten through the day without Shailey. She was MOM for the day and was a TROOPER. She is brave, independent, confident, responsible, and very very mature. I love this girl. She is my gem.
PS. for those who don't know, Japan is the safest country in the world with the lowest crime rate.... so the subways are not as scary as they might seem :)